
Specified Commercial Transactions Law

This page provides the necessary information required under the Specified Commercial Transactions Law for LearnPath.

Business Information

  • Representative: Yojiro Otsubo
  • Location: If there is a request, we will disclose it without delay.
  • Contact Number: If there is a request, we will disclose it without delay.
  • Email: support@learnpath.com

Additional Fees

In addition to the subscription or service fees, customers may incur additional charges such as bank transfer fees or handling fees.

Return and Refund Policy

LearnPath offers a subscription-based service and does not provide refunds once the subscription period begins. However, if you encounter any issues, please contact us at support@learnpath.com.

Service Delivery Timing

Access to the basic content on LearnPath is available immediately after account registration.
For premium content, access is granted immediately after the subscription process is completed.

Accepted Payment Methods

We accept the following payment methods:

  • Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express)
  • Bank Transfer
  • Stripe

Payment Timing

Payment is processed immediately upon subscription.

Subscription Fees

Subscription fees are displayed on the pricing page and are inclusive of consumption tax.