
Creating a Step


Steps are the smallest unit of learning content in LearnPath. Each Step can include text, images, embedded videos, and even interactive quizzes. This guide will show you how to create a Step using the rich-text editor, set a title, and add questions and answers to engage your learners.

1. Prerequisites

  • Decide on a clear topic or lesson objective for your Step (e.g., “Introduction to React Hooks” or “Basics of French Grammar”).

2. Accessing the Step Editor

  1. Navigate to UGC EditorSteps.
  2. Click +Add Step. This will take you to the Add Step page with a rich-text editor.

3. Using the Rich Text Editor

The editor allows you to add headers, bold/italic text, code blocks, lists, horizontal lines, color highlighting, images, YouTube videos, and more. It also supports interactive Q&A sections.

  1. Title: Enter a clear, concise title in the Title field (e.g., “What is a Hook?”).
  2. Explanation: Use the editing toolbar to format text, embed images (via Insert Image), or insert YouTube videos. A preview is shown directly in the editor area.
  3. Questions & Answers: Scroll down to Questions & Answers and click +Add Question to create quiz items. For each question, add:
    • Question: The quiz prompt (e.g., “What is the correct syntax for importing React Hooks?”).
    • Answer: The correct answer (the editor automatically transforms the answer into a placeholder for learners, e.g., “****”).
    • Placeholder: Dynamically generated from Answer (learners see the placeholder instead of the real answer).

4. Saving and Managing Steps

Once you have entered your title, content, and questions:

  • Click “Save”: This stores your new Step in the database.
  • Edit Later: You can revisit the step from the Steps list page and click “Edit” to modify it. Keep in mind that any changes to a Step instantly affect any Room that uses it.
  • Preview: Some versions of the editor include a Preview button. This displays how learners see your Step.

5. Next Steps

After creating one or more Steps, you’ll likely want to bundle them into a Room, and then include that Room in a Path. For more details on structuring your content: